Breast Cancer, Treatment Process & Follow Up

When I last left you, my radiation treatments had been scheduled for 7:00 A.M. Monday through Friday for a 4 week duration.  The weekends were left free to allow the body to heal because radiation not only kills cancer cells, it kills healthy cells as well.   I had been told that the most common side … Continue reading Breast Cancer, Treatment Process & Follow Up

Breast Cancer, The Journey

I would like to thank all those that have commented on and read my latest Blog Post either here or on my FaceBook Page.   If you have not yet read it and would like to here is the link;   So, Cancer huh? Life Lesson Number .....  I feel truly blessed by all those that offered support … Continue reading Breast Cancer, The Journey

The Wrong Donations – Some Tough Words on Disaster Relief

Something to ponder. Some thoughts folks may not consider. As she said hearts are in the right place, but ….

My Best Laid Plans

I need to make a statement. I want to say it as kindly and gently as possible, but this message really needs to get out there. It’s important. Please hear me with as much grace as you can, because I mean it with all love and gentleness.

My children and I spent hours yesterday sorting the donations that are pouring in. That picture is the mountain we were faced with, and it was still coming. We’re not the only ones. Hundreds (thousands?) of volunteers all across our state are doing the same exact thing. Why? Because your hearts are in theright place.That’s why.

I want to make that abundantly clear. It is beautifully apparent that you are thinking about us and that you want to help us figure this thing out. You are doing anything you can, and that has brought such profound joy to our hearts. I personally…

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